Reiki does not have to be expensive
The most frequently asked question we get is: why are your Reiki classes priced so much lower than others? The answer is simple; because they can be.
There is no reason for Reiki training to be as expensive as they have generally been in the USA the past few decades. Reiki is a natural healing modality that is very easy to learn and master. The energy that we connect to is equally accessible to everyone.
We believe it is important to share and teach about Reiki in an honest, practical, and realistic manner. Our main intention is to motivate the student to use and appreciate these wonderfully abilities that we all possess.
Reiki is an intentional energy healing modality. When we utilize a strong intention and focus of healing then we help to facilitate the natural healing process that is happening with everyone.
Healing Today is proud that we have provided affordable Reiki classes to thousands of students since 1999 all over the USA.
Reiki: simple is good
"If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” - Albert Einstein
Reiki is a natural healing modality that relies on the healing intention of the practitioner for its effectiveness. It is a simple process that can be of great benefit to the individual’s overall health and wellness.
It does not require a lot of knowledge or practice to become adept at the process. In fact, it is an instinctual part of our being.
What’s the first reaction to stubbing a toe, bumping the head, or banging an elbow? We grab the inflicted area, hold it, and focus healing to the spot. Often the comment “I’ll be alright in a minute” becomes part of the healing intention.
What do we do when a child gets hurt? We place our hands on the hurt and ensure the child that “we are going to make it better”.
Other animals respond in a similar fashion. They bring a focus and intention of healing to the damaged area.
Reiki simply helps to facilitate what our system is doing naturally. It is beautifully simple yet amazingly effective.
Something that is simple to do, sadly, is also simple not to do. To achieve these benefits we need to actually practice as much as possible. There is no need to wait for an injury or illness. Self healing with Reiki should be an important part of our daily routine.
Do not let the simplicity of Reiki scare you away. Unfortunately our cultural experience has taught us many mistaken ideas. It is often suggested that something that is simple is somehow of lesser value. That is not the case with natural law. Most of the superb processes of nature are perpetual, automatic, and requiring little effort.
We are completely connected to this natural order. Using Reiki to aid our personal healing and helping others with their healing is simply a wonderful benefit of our creative self.
Richard Fiallo
Since 1999

Intentional Healing with Reiki
Reiki is a natural healing modality that relies on the healing intention of the practitioner for its effectiveness. It is a simple process that can be of great benefit to the individual’s overall health and wellness.
It does not require a lot of knowledge or practice to become adept at the process. In fact, it is an instinctual part of our being.
We are always healing. No matter what the disease or trauma our natural self is always in a perpetual state of healing and recovery. When practicing Reiki we focus our intention to healing and this helps to facilitate the natural process.
The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another with our intention and focus.
Every moment of our human experience is unlimited potential. It is our thoughts and the choices we make that create the more finite realities of this experience.
Reiki and its simple methods of self healing is a very practical way of making good choices. We focus on healing that will make us whole and provide for our highest good.
Using Reiki to aid our personal healing and helping others with their healing is simply a wonderful benefit of our creative self.
Richard Fiallo